Sleep apnea is a condition that impacts over 20 million Americans each and every night, robbing them of their sleep, their health, and their quality of life. If you’re showing signs of sleep apnea (constantly feeling tired, loud snoring, morning sore throats and headaches), our team can offer you a solution that will finally help you get the rest you need. You don’t have to go through life feeling tired all the time! Give us a call today to start getting the care you need with sleep apnea treatment in Jacksonville, FL.
The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. For a person who has OSA, they briefly but frequently stop breathing while they sleep. This happens because the soft tissues in the throat and mouth collapse backward and cut off the airway. Once breathing has been completely blocked, the body panics, wakes up, and the cycle repeats itself again and again, preventing someone from ever getting deep, restorative sleep.
Excess or overly loose tissue in the mouth and throat are often the underlying cause of OSA, but we can address this directly using our Nightlase Laser. We can use this instrument to shrink and tighten certain oral tissues so that when someone goes to sleep, their airway is able to stay fully open. This can lead to lasting relief from OSA without having to use a CPAP machine.