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Dental Implant Failure & Salvage – Jacksonville, FL

Save Your Newly Restored Smile

These days, dental implants are considered the most successful tooth replacement option available on the market. Because they have an incredible success rate of up to 95% with proper care, it’s easy to see why they’re so popular! Of course, there's still a small chance of implant failure occurring. To preserve your newly improved smile, it's crucial to recognize the signs of dental implant failure and understand the potential causes. At the first sign of trouble, the most important thing you need to do is contact our team at Khoi Dental Group. Keep reading to find out how we’ll promptly and effectively salvage your dental implants.

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implants can fail for several different reasons, with the leading cause being peri-implantitis (an infection that damages the connective tissue around the implant). This condition breaks down the surrounding bone and gums, leading to a loose implant.

Some other common causes of dental implant failure include:

  • A weakened immune system, which can delay healing and increase the risk of infection
  • Improper placement of the implant, which can affect stability and integration
  • Facial trauma, which can dislodge or damage the implant
  • Failed osseointegration, where the implant does not properly fuse with the jawbone

Recognizing these causes early and seeking prompt care can help prevent implant failure and preserve your smile.

Symptoms of a Failed Dental Implant

Dental implants can fail at any time after placement, so it's crucial to monitor your oral health. Contact our office immediately if you notice any of the following signs:

  • Pain, swelling, or bleeding that increases instead of subsiding in the first few days after surgery
  • Difficulty chewing without discomfort in the implant area
  • Pus forming near the implant site
  • Bleeding or swelling around the implant occurring well after placement
  • A sensation that your implant feels loose

Early detection and prompt care can help address these issues and protect the longevity of your dental implant.

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

Are you experiencing any of the symptoms listed above? If so, contact us immediately to schedule an appointment. Our team will perform a thorough oral examination, discuss your symptoms in detail, and explore your treatment options. Depending on the severity of the issue, we may be able to save your smile with treatments such as a deep dental cleaning, antibiotics, and other conservative infection control measures. Prompt action is crucial, which is why you need to reach out to us as soon as possible. This gives us the best chance to restore your oral health and ensure a long-lasting smile.