BOTOX in Jacksonville is a multi-purpose treatment option that not only helps patients turn back the clock on aging by eliminating fine lines and wrinkles but also alleviates jaw pain caused by TMJ. Dr. Richard Carlson is pleased to offer this unique service to patients living in Jacksonville and its surrounding communities. As a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, he understands the complexities of this type of treatment and enjoys improving patients’ appearances as well as alleviating their jaw and facial pain. To learn more about BOTOX, call our office today.
Approved by the FDA, BOTOX is a form of facial esthetic treatment that not only temporarily freezes facial muscles to prevent wrinkles but also creates a more pleasant and enjoyable way of life when living with TMJ.
BOTOX is derived from botulinum toxin, which is a bacterium that is diluted for medical purposes. The solution is injected into various areas of the facial skin, allowing patients to look and feel younger. It also creates a less painful jaw movement.
If you are considering BOTOX, you’ll first need to schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Jacksonville. Making sure your overall health is in check is necessary to avoid any potential complications or issues.
It is advised that individuals who are in their mid-20s or younger do not receive BOTOX, as it could potentially cause problems if development is not complete. Also, those taking certain medications should be evaluated before receiving BOTOX, as it may have a negative interaction.
Once you meet with our team, we will go over your problem areas and determine if BOTOX is right for you. If you suffer from any of the following, there’s a good chance you’ll qualify for injections:
Choosing to move forward with BOTOX will have you seeing and experiencing some tremendous benefits. Although this solution has been around for quite some time, it is proving to remain a popular facial esthetic treatment that people want. Some of the most identifiable benefits of BOTOX include: