If you’re struggling with moderate to severe tooth loss, you aren’t the only one. With millions of Americans missing one or several pearly whites, it’s rather common to consider tooth-replacement options to help you with daily tasks, such as eating, speaking, and smiling. Though regular dentures are effective, they sometimes come with complications like slipping out of position. For a more stable and lifelike solution, you might look into getting implant dentures instead! Read on to learn more about this option or give us a call today to schedule an initial consultation.
While they can replace an entire arch of missing teeth like traditional dentures, these restorations are directly anchored to your jawbone via metal posts that are embedded within. These titanium posts are biocompatible, meaning they can easily bond with your bone tissue through osseointegration. With this process and their specific placement, dental implants offer the most comprehensive and long-lasting solution for rebuilding missing pearly whites from the roots up.
Also referred to as “hybrid prosthesis,” fixed or permanent implant dentures are designed to remain on your dental implants indefinitely. The only one who can remove them should be your dentist. This means your new teeth should feel and work like natural teeth, as they won’t need to come off and you’ll simply need to clean them like a normal smile (such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash daily).
As it says in the name, these implant dentures can be removed whenever you choose to. Also known as snap-on dentures or overdentures, these prosthetics can be fitted in place without needing as many dental implants as a fixed one. This may be an ideal solution for those who have struggled with jawbone deterioration.
The process will begin with your initial consultation, where our team will discuss your smile goals, assess your oral health, and determine the best way to restore your bite. If you require preliminary procedures, such as bone grafting or periodontal therapy, we can address this to help ensure that you’re ready for your restorations.
Our team performs the entire process in-house, so you won’t have to travel across town to undergo your treatment. After your surgery, you’ll need to recover and allow your implants to integrate with your jawbone, which should take about three to six months. Once you’ve healed, we can attach your abutments, allow you to recover from that procedure, and then call you back into our office to receive your implant dentures.
While those who are missing any number of teeth can be good candidates for this treatment, it’s important to meet these requirements to move forward with the process:
With implant dentures, you can expect to enjoy numerous advantages to your oral health, including: